I am blown away by how much has changed in 5 years here on our property.
- We have planted many varieties of fruit tree's and berry bushes.
- We have built new chicken coops and runs.
- We have built our arbour for our grapes and kiwi vines.
- We have built a raised garden area and fenced it.
- We have planted many flower and vegetable gardens.
- We have installed a new flagstone pathway.
- We have planted some new nitrogen fixing trees, locusts, Kentucky Coffee and Autumn Olive.
- Planted and fenced our bramble patch.
- Added a new fence line and fencing around our yard.
- We have renovated our bathroom, including re-tiling the tub surround.
- We have painted and carpeted.
- We have worked on the barn, inside and out.
We have been so blessed to have been here to see everything grow and change in those years, however I am feeling the pull to another house. You see to be brutally honest it sickens me to be paying a mortgage on this property. The idea when moving here was to be more self sufficient, which we are, but we are also still very dependant on a JOB. Could we do more to pay down the debt faster? Of course we could, but we just don't want to make those sacrifices. We have decided to look at what our dollars will buy us in another province instead. So much to consider, I will do my best to keep you in the loop...