Clearing a space
This past Fall we began clearing the site for our Trailer to be parked for our future retreat and over night session guests.Now I am not a fan of cutting down tree's, but a couple just had to be removed to allow the space for the trailer. You can just see a little peak of the comfy 31 feet.
We are so excited getting the space cleared, leveled and the trailer in place. While the ground sleeps for the winter I am busily planning, buying, making and organizing all of the "things" we will require in the Spring!
My Hubby and resident handy man is working on the deck design and the refurbish of the inside, as well as the completion of our Bunkie/screen room at the ponds edge. We scored some used decking and materials this past summer which have come in handy for our deck at the Bunkie and we should have enough to complete this project as well. How cool is that?
Of course the new space around the trailer will require a little sprucing up with some lovely gardens etc., but I can grab a few plants while I shop for the trees, berries and herbs for our new garden project and business in development...our Permaculture orchard & garden. More to come on the development of that in the near future.
Until next time Blessings and awareness,