At the A.W.F I had a Chakra Balancing done by Fran from, followed by an Angel Card reading and lastly a reading done by Shanel from I am not going to go into a lot of detail, but it has reinforced my beliefs and encouraged me to begin training and learning about Reki and to further my understanding of Angel Card Readings. I am so excited, I am going to be doing my first Reki training THIS weekend.
I have felt what some might say is a calling. I simply believe that I am being drawn to a simpler life. I want to strengthen my connection to others and to the world around me. I guess that is where my wanting to find a small hobby farm has come from.
I believe we need to go back to a simpler time when communities took care of each other. A time when money was a by product, not the be all and end all. I hope to make a farm, a home, a welcoming place for friends old and new to come together and share in good times and love. Through this place I want to help provide fresh produce, eggs, chicken and perhaps some other wellness inducing products and services to help people to heal themselves, to honor themselves and to love themselves.
I have heard older people speak of the ""rough patches" in their relationships and their lives before. Well, last night I was watching Oprah's new show and she was talking to Tony Robbins. They were talking about how he called those times when things were not going your way, when things seemed all bad and even hopeless as "Winter". This is not something that can be prayed or wished away. It's something that you must go through. You must live through it, learn from it and evolve from it's lessons. Wow, isn't that interesting.
So the the "rough patches" are our Winters which we have to go through, but why?
We all know what follows Winter is..... Spring and Spring is a time of renewal. A time when we review what we learned from the Winter. So we can then better our lives.
I have had my fair share of Winters in my life. I am not bitter. I am not angry. I am not disheartened. I have been blessed with lessons that have brought me back to my inner peace. I believe we all have gifts to share and I am grateful that I am being blessed with a new Spring in my life. I can't wait to begin sharing my blessings with my family and friends, new and old.